NIKIGO founder Nicole Gordon

Our Story

When I was in my twenties, I developed a lot of food allergies. Soy, peanuts, beans, nuts, sesame and many others. Suddenly all the Asian foods I had grown up with were literally taken off the table — it’s pretty hard to avoid soy, especially soy sauce, not to mention sesame and nuts.

As my culinary knowledge and skills grew, I decided I’d waited long enough. Why should anyone have to avoid an entire food culture just because of food allergies? I looked far and wide and couldn’t find a decent soy sauce substitute, so I decided to try making my own, for my own use. Well, it turned out way better than I could have hoped, and better than anything on the market. Actually, a lot of people prefer our sauce to real soy sauce, which is pretty cool, too.

Our mission at NIKIGO is to be allergy-friendly. That means all of our products will be free of the top 9 allergens, and since people avoid more than just the top 9, we’ll be transparent about all of our ingredients. No vague terms like “natural flavors” or “spices” which could be just about anything.

NIKIGO Original sauce is made from fresh, sustainable mushrooms. The mushroom capital of the US is in southeastern Pennsylvania, so I packed my bags and moved from Arizona to Chester County, PA to set up shop and get my sauce to you. I really hope you enjoy it, and that you can once again enjoy all the foods you love.

Nicole Gordon, Founder